1. Interac E-Transfer - Complete this Membership Form and click on the “SUBMIT” button to send the form to our treasurer. THEN through your online banking, complete an Interac E-Transfer to Sharon Chow at this address: admin@ecoforestry.ca Please create a security question and inform her in a separate email of the answer to this security question.
2. Mail: Complete and mail this Membership Form along with a payment cheque - to: Ecoforestry Institute Society, Box 5070 Stn B, Victoria V8R 6N3
3. Select below the type of Membership you wish to have, click on the image to complete the Membership Form and at the bottom of the Form you can click on “ADD TO CART” for making payment by Credit Card or PayPal. The payment “Cart” is located in the top right corner of our web site page.
Charitable Registration #88911-0599 RR0001