Discover and learn to identify local Lichen with specialist, Juliet Pendray! Join us on Sunday, May 28th at 11 am for a fun and informative walk through Wildwood Ecoforest, where there’s a wide variety of lichen species.
Juliet Pendray is a naturalist, educator, professional facilitator, and is known for engaging others with her enthusiasm for and knowledge of fungi and lichen. Since 2004, she has shared mycological & lichenological knowledge via walks, talks, courses, instructional media, theatre, species inventories, “bioblitzen” and online forums for 30+ organizations on Vancouver Island and the south coastal mainland of B.C. She is the instructor for lichen and fungi courses at Royal Roads University, a member of SVIMS, VMS, BC Nature and other regional nature organizations, and is a regular identification expert for local mushroom events.