Tree Harvest
This fall was our 2nd tree harvest at Wildwood. Our focus was on “danger tree” assessement that posed an immenent threat to the Homestead, roads, trails and gathering places at Wildwood.
Our certified expert, arborist and RPF Peter Jungwrith did the assessments, marking trees for harvest and falling. A careful assessment of which trees would be left on the forest floor as course wood debris was made with some trees surplus to these needs being available for milling. These trees were limbed, bucked and moved to the millsite.
Since we are also demonstrating the use of small scale harvesting techniques, we incorporated the use of tractor and logging arch to move the bucked logs to the mill site where they were decked and ready for milling. We also demonstrated the milling of several of these logs into 8x8 cants ready for use or re-milling.
All in all, a bit of due diligence on safety issues, a demonstration of the selection of trees considered “immanent threat” and their removal, and a demonstration of light impact skidding and milling. Barry Gates and Erik Piikkila assisted Peter.
Click on the images below to see a gallery selection of the 2019 Harvest.