Restoration of the Homestead

The Homestead is a log structure that was built by Merv Wilkinson in 1963 after his original home burnt down. Merv lived there until his death in 2011. When the Ecoforestry Institute Society became Trustees of Wildwood in 2016, one of the first tasks was to restore the Homestead.

In April 2017, the EIS Board prioritized the restoration of the Homestead as a key project due to the society’s educational mandate and the need to develop a large revenue stream to help pay down the EIS debt.  The Board designated $50,000 to begin the project, but, as with many reno projects, it soon became obvious that the Homestead required far more updating than anticipated.  Fortunately, the Society was awarded two large grants:  $150,000 from the Regional District of Nanaimo and $65,000 from the Province of BC Capital Project Gaming grant. 

As a result, the Homestead has undergone a full restoration, from top to bottom; inside and out.  The renos were completed in July 2018, and the 14-month project has produced stunning results.  The Homestead now features a charming rustic décor supported by new plumbing, electrical, water and septic services.  There are all new wood floors, doors, and double-paned windows.  Many features, such as the heat pumps, insulation, and solar panels ensure a more energy-efficient operation.  

The living room is equipped with a roll-top desk, stereo, projector and screen.  A new well was drilled providing potable water for the first time, a large cistern was added for water storage, and rain barrels collect water for use on the new native plant and herb garden.  All asbestos has been removed, as were the resident rats. The rare and protected Little Brown Bat colony that was living in the attic spaces was gently rehoused in their very own, brand-new bat condos.

Key Points

  • Restoration of the 2500 sf home allows EIS to provide expanded learning opportunities and accommodation for domestic and international tourists looking for unique learning experiences with nature.  

  • By booking the Homestead for an Ecoforest Conservation Holiday, corporate retreat or life event, guests can experience first hand the benefits of the forest, an immersive experience that is increasingly rare these days. 

  • Guests of Wildwood can learn about the endangered Coastal Douglas-fir ecosystem and how the forest can be harvested while ensuring the natural cycles remain intact.  

  • Book your accommodation, guided tour or workshop, or let us help you plan a special event.