Please Help us Reunite

21 Acres with Wildwood!

This is the last parcel of undeveloped land that was once part of Wildwood Ecoforest. Reuniting it creates a Legacy of 104 acres in total of rare Coastal Douglas-fir forest that will be forever protected.

Our rare Coastal Douglas-fir forests are disappearing.

Remaining Coastal Douglas-fir forest

Matching funds are available to July 31/25 to purchase 21 acres for $856,000. With the addition of this forest, Wildwood will be 104 acres, an increase of 25% that will be protected in perpetuity by the Wildwood Trust.

Donate Today!

Male Hairy Woodpecker Photo: C. Adolf

Under the Wildwood Trust the property will be managed according to ecoforestry principles and, most importantly, will be protected in perpetuity. In other words, the legacy of your donation will last forever.


Wildwood Ecoforest is a gem for our Island and a life-giving resource for our planet. You can help make this legacy even greater.

Charitable Registration #88911-0599 RR0001


Funds raised as of: Mar 11/2025


Help make Wildwood Ecoforest Even More of a Treasure!

Together, we can preserve another 21 acres of Coastal Douglas-fir forest — right here on Vancouver Island. This undeveloped property was once a part of Wildwood and we need to bring it back into the protection of the Wildwood Trust where it can be managed according to ecoforestry principles and the ecosystem can be protected forever.

The rare Coastal Douglas-fir ecosystem has been disappearing at a shocking rate due to urban sprawl. But this parcel remains intact, right in the middle of Yellowpoint, just south of Nanaimo. If we can purchase this site, here are just some of the benefits:

  • carbon sequestration

  • air purification

  • water regulation, filtration, and storage

  • habitat for a wide array of creatures

  • preservation of rare moss, lichen, and fungi

And … this provides the Ecoforestry Institute Society with the opportunity to demonstrate a respectful approach to forest stewardship that is guided by Indigenous world views and supported by western science to protect our forest legacies for future generations.

For payments over $1000 please e-transfer to our Treasurer at email address: to lessen transaction fees.

Thank you to all donors, to find your name visit our list of donors here.

Wildwood is a learning site, demonstrating ecoforestry and educating the world about how old-growth forests can preserve nature and protect us from climate change. The site is often used by colleges and universities for research and field studies. Wildwood acts as an alternative to the clearcuts and environmentally damaging methods supported by industrial forestry.